Training in Bato (Dumagat Tribe)

Wanna hike? It takes 6-8 hours walk before reaching the place

How about drinking water from spring? You'll feel thirsty for sure, but don't 
worry there are springs along the way..You just need to find it out=)

On top of the mountain, we're happy worshiping with our Dumagat friends

 This is the established church, wanna join us here?

 And of course, POTLUCK!!! Yum! Yum!

 none-ending hiking and climbing!

want to learn how to make fire out of "buho(bamboo) without 
using matches or lighter?lol =)


 Finally! We were able produce fire and cook our food!


 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever i have commanded you: and lo, i am with you alway, 
even unto the end of the world. Amen" Matthew 28:19, 20

Reaching out needs sacrifice, so even in the hottest of the day 
we need to go out and seek the lost=)

 Smile pa rin kahit pagod na, kasi ajan ang camera=) lol


 And now, the mission starts here=)

 We have conducted seminars (Healthy lifestyle and Natural Remedies)

 And of course, we visit houses for friendship evangelism

Until, we find people who are willing to study God's Word

 We are preparing them for the coming crusade

The crusade proper! This is a nightly meeting seminar on health and Bible study

In the morning, we still go on with our ussual activities - visitation,
Bible study, seminars, VBS, etc.

 And every night, we're having the evangelistic meeting

 Everyone of us (trainees) had the privilege to speak in the nightly meeting

 Here are the fruits of our labor! 7 souls have accepted Christ=)

Time to go home? Not yet=)

The mission in Calaca still continues=)

We still need  to nurture our new family in Christ=)


 Graduation time for trainees! But don't think it ends here, in fact,
this is just the beginning of a larger field of mission=)

 These trainees were already sent out to different unreached people groups,
but the next batch of trainees still visit Calaca brethren and continue nurturing them
while they also minister to the nearby barangay (Pulong Saging) so, watch out
for another batch of mission=)